Tote Herzen
by Zukhra Yanikova (Russland/Montenegro)
Tote Herzen
by Zukhra Yanikova (Russland/Montenegro)
Direction: Stephanie LeBolt (USA/Deutschland)
The metaphorical drama "Undead" by Zukhra Yanikova (Russia/Montenegro), directed by Stephanie LeBolt (USA/ Germany), explores the horrors of war and destruction. In a city of the dead, a deceased mother awaits the birth of her living daughter.
55 minutes
Director and Dramaturgy Lab "Focal Point“
Theater Strahl Berlin
Marktstr. 1110317 Berlin
15.00 EUR - 20.00 EUR
Day Ticket 22.02.2025 => 60,00 € plus advance booking fee
Day Ticket 23.02.2025 => 50,00 € plus advance booking fee
Two Day Ticket 22.-23.02.2025 => 100,00 € plus advance booking fee
Ticket for single events
=> VVK: 20,00 € (regualr price); 15,00 € (reduced price *) plus advance booking fee
=> Evening box office: 25,00 € (regular); 17,00 € (reduced)
Urban Theater