Stephan Graf v. Bothmer: THE LODGER (Hitchcock, 1927) mit Jens Wawrczeck
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer: THE LODGER (Hitchcock, 1927) mit Jens Wawrczeck
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer: The Lodger with JENS WAWRCZECK and the Berlin Live Film Music Orchestra [Fanny Rennert (sopran), Stephan v. Bothmer (church organ), Florian Goltz (percussion)]
London, which is sinking in the fog and a serial killer: Hitchcock's first thriller offers suspense and psychological depth that would become his trademark. A classic that heralded the "Master of Suspense".
Introduction and reading with Jens Wawrczeck, the voice of Peter Shaw in "The Three Investigators". Jens will read from his Hitchcock book and from the novels and share his profound knowledge of Hitchcock with us. Afterwards we will show the film with the new live film music by Stephan v. Bothmer.
With The Lodger, Hitchcock created his first thriller and laid the foundation for his reputation as the "Master of Suspense". The film tells the story of a mysterious stranger who seeks shelter in a London boarding house. At the same time, a serial killer who is killing young blonde women is terrorizing the city. The landlords begin to believe that their new guest is connected to the murders, which leads to tension and suspicion.
Here, Hitchcock first uses visual and narrative devices that later become his trademark: the atmospheric use of light and shadow, the play on identity and guilt, and the depiction of an uncertain, threatening everyday life. Particularly noteworthy is a scene in which Hitchcock conveys the horror of the murder through an innovative camera angle that draws the audience directly into the action. The film is considered a milestone and is often referred to as the first "real" Hitchcock, including by Hitchcock himself.
With his spectacular silent film concerts, Stephan Graf v. Bothmer fills theaters and concert halls on five continents. He has performed at the Schleswig-Holstein Festival and the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, as well as in Berlin at the Admiralspalast, the Wintergarten Varieté and the Berlin Cathedral, as well as at the Rock-Pop Festival at Tempelhof Airport after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
Bothmer's compositions are characterized by an irrepressible joy of playing and virtuosity that combines echoes of Chopin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd and electronic music in a unique way.
Berliner Live-Filmmusic-Orchestra: Sopran – Fanny Rennert; Perkussion – Florian Goltz; Orgel & Komposition – Stephan Graf v. Bothmer; Lesung – Jens Wawrczeck; Stummfilm
Production: StummfilmKonzerte Berlin
22. Stummfilmfestival
An der Apostelkirche 1
10783 Berlin
22.00 EUR - 31.00 EUR
Ticket price: 29 euros regular, 22 euros reduced (advance booking), 31 euros regular, 23 euros reduced (box office)