Teresa Vittucci: SANE SATAN
Teresa Vittucci: SANE SATAN
With SANE SATAN, Austrian performance artist Teresa Vittucci returns to Sophiensæle for the fifth time and dedicates herself in a humorous way to probably the most dazzling figure in our cultural history: the Devil.
Satan is taboo. The fallen angel is the symbol of evil par excellence. But who decides, who or what is considered evil? Seductive, monstrous, and trapped in the prevailing structures: Satan has the potential to be an accomplice for all those who are devalued, excluded, and oppressed because of their otherness. In the third and final part of the IN PRAISE OF VULNERABILITY trilogy, Teresa Vittucci examines the stories and images that warn us so vehemently about the devil and searches for a new, queer-feminist reading of this gender and morally ambiguous figure.
Conception, direction, text: Teresa VittucciPerformance: Alina Arshi, Teresa VittucciDramaturgy, text, video: Benjamin EggerText assistance: Melanie Jame WolfDramaturgical support: Lea MoroStage, light design: Anna WohlgemuthLight design, technical direction: Anahí PérezChoreographic and material assistance: Emma Bertuchoz, Emmeliin ChemounyInventor: Gabriel SchneiderMusic: Gil SchneiderTailor: David LammstrandPartially developed with and special thanks to: Henry Browne and Deborah MacauleyProduction management: Diana Paiva / high expectationsDiffusion: Jérôme PiqueAdministration: Karin Erdmann
A production by OH DEAR! Zürich, co-produced by Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Arsenic – Contemporary Performing Arts Center Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Charleroi danse DCCN, La briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève, Dampfzentrale Bern. Co-production in residency O Espaço do Tempo, La briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, supported by the French ministry of Culture / DRAC IDF. Media partners: Missy Magazine, Siegessäule, taz.
Sophienstraße 18
10178 Berlin