Mounia Nassangar
Mounia Nassangar
Part of “PURPLE – 9th International Dance Festival for young Audience”
This year, the international dance festival for young audiences PURPLE will kick off with waacking icon Mounia Nassangar's first choreographic work “STUCK”. Together with five dancers, Nassangar transforms the movement language of waacking – characterised by distinctive, rotational arm movements, posing and emphasis on expressiveness – into a personal and idiosyncratic contemporary stage performance. The expressive dance style, which emerged the LGBTIQ* disco scene in Los Angeles in the 1970s at a time of widespread stigmatisation of queer people, becomes a means of overcoming physical and mental barriers. In “STUCK”, it becomes a means of overcoming physical and mental barriers and an instrument for liberation and self-determination. Each dancer approaches the waacking in an individual way; despite their different backgrounds, they share the common experience of defying oppression through dance.
Production: Cie Nassangar. Executive producer: Kollektiv FAIR-E / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, an association subsidised by Ministère de la Culture (Direction régionale des Affaires culturelles / Bretagne), the Ville de Rennes, Institut français and the French Ministery for Culture, the Région Bretagne and the Département d'Ille-et-Vilaine. Co-production: CCN-Ballet national de Marseille as part of the Accueil studio / Ministère de la Culture, La Villette - Paris. Co-operation: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported by: City of Rennes as part of the artistic residency call for projects.
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HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Stresemannstraße 29
10963 Berlin
Tickets at the box office