SAM and SARA: The Pop Of It All
Godje Hansen und Torsten Knoll
SAM and SARA: The Pop Of It All
Godje Hansen und Torsten Knoll
In the depths, a glockenspiel sparkles and leads you without warning onto the dance floor, where the piano rains down on you, the bass carries you gently, the drums become your heartbeat and two voices sing of secrets you've always known.
Your longing is pop. Your dreams are pop.
Your identities are pop. Your suffering is pop.
Your anger is pop. Your wishes are pop.
Everything is pop and pop is everything.
This is how SAM and SARA tell of the only thing left to tell:
The Pop Of It All.
Godje Hansen: vocals, drums, synthesizer, piano
Torsten Knoll: piano, vocals, trombone
Theater unterm Dach
Danziger Straße 101Haus 103
10405 Berlin
5.00 EUR - 25.00 EUR
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zur Zeit ist nur Barzahlung möglich. Eine Ermäßigung erhalten Sie gegen Vorlage eines Nachweises an der Abendkasse.
25,00 € Soli-Ticket*
15,00 € Normalpreis
10,00 € Rentner*innen, Arbeitslose, Auszubildende und Student*innen
5,00 € Schüler*innen, Menschen mit Behinderung, BerlinPass-Inhaber*innen
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