Parrhesia Talks: Anti-Anti-Semitism: Current Debates
Philsophical lecture by Elad Lapidot
Parrhesia Talks: Anti-Anti-Semitism: Current Debates
Philsophical lecture by Elad Lapidot
Elad Lapidot’s talk will reflect on the current function of the discourse concerning the fight against anti-Semitism, which he calls ‘anti-anti-Semitism’, as a guiding principle in shaping state policies and the deployment of state power and state violence. He draws on a range of current declarations, statements, and policy documents, such as the German federal parliament’s new draft resolution Nie wieder ist jetzt: Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland schützen, bewahren und stärken (Never again is now: Protecting, preserving and strengthening Jewish life in Germany), as well as on various existing definition of anti-Semitism, such as the IHRA and the JDA. The talk engages with debates concerning the meaning and problems of the contemporary political function of anti-anti-Semitism from various points of view, not least with respect to the declared goal of preventing anti-Semitism.
1 hour 30 minutes
Elad Lapidot is Professor for Jewish Thought at the University of Lille, France. Holding a PhD in philosophy from the Paris Sorbonne university, he has taught philosophy, Jewish thought and Talmud at many universities, such as the University of Bern, Switzerland, and the Humboldt Universität and Freie Univeristät in Berlin. His work is guided by questions concerning the relation between knowledge and politics.
Parrhesia: School of Philosophy, Berlin, founded in 2022, is a non-profit educational organization devoted to a public exercise of thought. The universitization of philosophy has also dulled its critical edge, the courage of those who promulgate it, and severed its from its public destiny. We are Parrhesia seek to multiply the sites of philosophy (such as at TAK Theater) for the general public and to situate it with respect to current political, educational, amorous, scientific and artistic tendencies.
TAK - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
tak Village
Prinzenstraße 85
Im Oranienhof im Aufbau Haus
10969 Berlin
3.00 EUR - 5.00 EUR
tickets at the door
Parrhesia Philosophy School Berlin