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Dance Concert
Dance Concert
Hush is a dance concert in which dance and live music go hand in hand, as equal counterparts. Attention determines the rhythm. For every move or sound, the performers very carefully look and listen to each other. A drummer follows the turn of a dancer with great precision. Three bodies and three voices move synchronously across the stage. Such details are the starting point of Hush. As the energy and dedication on stage increases, the performance grows into a compelling dance and music storm. Dancers fly and catch each other in acrobatic partner work and also pick up instruments. Piano sounds and drum rhythms swirl like the sea and the musicians themselves also roll across the floor. The performers sing about their attempt to keep their head above water in poetic lyrics. ‘Fly like a bird in a hurricane’, they sing. And also: ‘Carried by these hands I trust, I’m floating to that mountaintop’. Hush ends like a hurricane, but the attention to each other never wanes.
1 hour
Konzept: Guy Corneille, Josephine van Rheenen
Choreografie: Josephine van Rheenen zusammen mit dem Ensemble
De Dansers
Live-Musik und Tanz: Ruben van Asselt, Guy Corneille, Yoko Haveman, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Wannes De Porre, Hans Vermunt
Ausstattung und Lichtdesign: Timme Afschrift | Kostüme: Carlijn Petermeijer
Tontechnik: Chieljan van der Hoek/ Jorn Kortooms/Mees van Oosterhout
Dramaturgie: Moniek Merkx Production
Theater Strahl Berlin
Marktstr. 1110317 Berlin
6.00 EUR - 18.00 EUR
From 14 till 99 years