By Behzad Karim Khani
»A sky full of flies, locusts, wasps, beetles and mosquitos. Trillions of hearts and even more wings. Powerful, majestic swarms gathered together over his head. And they were all interconnected. From every insect a thread was hanging, thin as the threads of a spider’s web. Infinitely many, flowing together into a rope. And when the swarms were right above him, Saam jumped from the roof, grabbed the rope, and flew away like the Little Prince.«
Berlin. Neukölln. Two brothers. Saam and Nima. After his mother's execution, Saam, his little brother Nima and their father Jamschid fled from the chaos of the Iranian revolution to Germany. How to settle into this new society? How to leave the past behind and find a place among all those seeking their fortune on the street, those who are just as lost as you are? While Saam tries to play the role of head of the family and assert himself in the world of dealers and small-time criminals, Nima tries to pursue a middle-class lifestyle. A story about friendship and family and the attempt to stay on the straight and narrow despite the constant presence of violence on the street. Following his productions of Streulicht (Sky Glow) and Dschinns (Djinns), resident director Nurkan Erpulat is dedicating himself once again to an intense contemporary novel. With an all-men ensemble, Erpulat brings the unmistakable sound of this powerful literary debut to the stage.
Premiere 10/February 2024
Photo: Esra Rotthoff
By Behzad Karim Khani
»Ein Abend, der den Blick schärft, Türen öffnet und noch lange nachhallt.«
Felix Müller, Berliner Morgenpost»[...] es (braucht) für die aktuell so in die Negativschlagzeilen gelangte migrantisch geprägte Sonnenallee jetzt vielleicht gerade Nurkan Erpulat und seine liebevolle Ironie.«
Esther Slevogt,
»Dem Hausregisseur Erpulat ist mit der Adaption von Khanis Gegenwartsroman ‚Hund, Wolf Schakal‘ ein glaubwürdiges, vielschichtiges und visuell beeindruckendes Stück gelungen.«
Christopher Ferner, rbb Kultur
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Maxim Gorki Theater
Gorki Theater
Am Festungsgraben 2
10117 Berlin