Hanako Hayakawa: Lurker
Hanako Hayakawa: Lurker
Subjected to endless streams of information, the figure of the lurker commonly describes someone who reads messages in a chat room without taking part. It is also a figure that lies hidden, as if in ambush, observing, playfully hiding in the shadows and allowing for ambiguity to happen. In her performance, Hanako Hayakawa proposes a ghostly, empty, floating body – an unsettled being, reluctant to settle into a singular identity, immersed in sensation and emotion, spacing out and pausing to contemplate.
Hayakawa’s artistic approach draws from both Para Para and Nō theatre. Para Para is a popular club dance style from Japan, with synchronized choreographies danced from the 1980s to today; Nō theater influences the creation of archetypal characters and the interplay between the mundane and the supernatural. In Lurker, Hayakawa wanders through a landscape with eerily animated objects while the dance stretches time and holds space for the audience to dwell in. The performance is a physical inquiry into modes of being today, in times marked by crisis, rupture and displacement, a homoeopathic medicine, a tool to overcome alienation through alienation.
Concept, direction, dance: Hanako HayakawaSound: Kazumichi KomatsuLight: Lies Van LoockTechnical support: Daniel Romeo, CalderonThomas Glorieux (A Two Dogs Company)Mentor: Simon Van SchuylenberghMovement research with: Yuri ShimaokaOutside Eye: Hannah Brugge, Norbert PapeSpecial thanks to: Louise Van den, Eede Kris Verdonck, yu-ki(ex baby’s), Osamu Kobayakawa, Michiel Vandevelde, Toon Geysen, Kristof van BaarleTeaser: Charles Dhondt
A production by Hanako Hayakawa in co-production with DE SINGEL. Residency support by Toyooka Theater Festival, Dance Base Yokohama, Theaterhaus Berlin, BUDA (Kortrijk) and technical residency support by A Two Dogs Company. The 34th Tanztage Berlin is a production of Sophiensæle. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. With the kind support of Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V., Theaterhaus Berlin and Uferstudios GmbH. Media partners: Berlin Art Link, Missy Magazine, Siegessäule, taz.
Tanztage Berlin 2025
Sophienstraße 18
10178 Berlin