Die fabelhaften Millibillies
Eine Ensembleproduktion mit Liedtexten von Volker Ludwig und Musik von Birger Heymann
Die fabelhaften Millibillies
Eine Ensembleproduktion mit Liedtexten von Volker Ludwig und Musik von Birger Heymann
A hit parade of the best GRIPS songs for young and old!
The girl Emilia dreamed up a whole band: Drums, guitar, keyboard and bass. And suddenly a boy from her class appears: Tobi, and he does not want to disappear from her dream! But that is not so bad, because together the children go on a great voyage of discovery with the band.
Two actors and three musicians make the world dance with a great deal of imagination: Clear the stage for “The fabulous Millibillies” and for seeing (and listening again!) with the biggest GRIPS hits for big and small children, such as „Mattscheiben-Milli“, „Kleiner Baum“ and „Wir werden immer größer“.
Premiere: 25.01.2012
1 hour
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GRIPS Theater
GRIPS Podewil
Klosterstraße 68
1. Stock
10179 Berlin
From 5 years