Die Blauen Engel
Von Manuel Ostwald | Berliner Kindertheaterpreis 2021
Die Blauen Engel
Von Manuel Ostwald | Berliner Kindertheaterpreis 2021
A comedy of friendship, three rubbish bins and a secret
Nadira and Liv are both seven years old, best friends and neighbours. Normally they go off to school together in the morning. But recently they have each gone their own way, alone. Because they can only meet in secret and hardly talk to each other any more. For that reason they regularly meet for five minutes at the rubbish shed, a hidden area in the back of the building. The reason for this is a fight between the girls’ older brother’s Thore and Cem. Nobody knows exactly what really happened, but in both families the air at home is tense.
One day, the girls get to know the eight-year-old Siggi at the rubbish shed. He comes from a distant part of the city and his rubbish bag is making a weird sound. In spite of this, the children grow closer and found a gang: Starting now, they call themselves the “The Blue Angels”. Together the develop an ingenious plan to put an end to the fight between the brothers of Nadira and Liv once and for all. To do this, they lure Thore and Cem to the rubbish shed.
1 hour 40 minutes
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