Delfi Magazin Release
Delfi Magazin Release
If playing defines human beings – who then defines what playing means? For the fourth issue, Delfi, the magazine for new literature, has asked three writers to share their ideas about the current issue’s topic ‘Play‘. Dealing with literary play, the play with reality, mind games in fictional texts and the potential of playful writing, Delfi’s co-editor Fatma Aydemir will host the show and invite authors Claudia Rankine, Nino Haratischwili and Raphaëlle Red to explore the matter further.
Claudia Rankine is a poet, essayist, playwright, and professor in the Creative Writing Program at New York University. Her latest book, Just Us. An American Conversation, was published in 2020. Her lyrical prose works Don’t Let Me Be Lonely (Lass mich nicht einsam sein, Spector Books, 2021) and Citizen (Spector Books, 2018) are available in German translation. She has edited seven anthologies, including The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race in the Life of the Mind (2015). Her work has received numerous awards. In 2025, she is a fellow of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program.
Nino Haratischwili is a playwright, director, and novelist. Her work has received various accolades, including the Anna Seghers Literature Prize, the Bertolt Brecht Prize, and the Schiller Memorial Prize. Her latest novel, The Lack of Light (Das mangelnde Licht), was published in 2022 by Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt. Her most recent play, Phaedra, in Flames (Phädra, in Flammen), was staged by herself at the Royal District Theatre in Tbilisi in October 2022 and premiered in Germany at the Berliner Ensemble in May 2023.
Raphaëlle Red is a writer who writes in French, English, and German. Her German-language texts have appeared in the anthologies Resonanzen (Spector Books, 2022) and Glückwunsch (Hanser Berlin, 2023). Her debut novel, Adikou, was published in 2024 by Rowohlt Verlag.
Fatma Aydemir is a novelist and journalist. She is the author of the novels Ellbogen (Hanser Verlag, 2017) and Dschinns (Hanser Verlag, 2022) and the co-editor of Delfi. Together with Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, she edited the 2019 essay collection Your Homeland Is Our Nightmare (Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum, Ullstein). She writes a column for the British newspaper The Guardian, authored the play Doktormutter Faust, and curates the discussion series Materien at Schauspiel Essen.
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