Business as Usual
von Mehis Pihla (Estland)
Business as Usual
von Mehis Pihla (Estland)
Direction: Anton Kiseljus (Estland)
The play "Business as Usual" by Mehis Pihla (Estonia), directed by Anton Kiseljus (Estonia), tells the story of two young men from poor backgrounds who dream of wealth. One of them gets a job at a bank involved in money laundering for oligarchs. His life becomes defined by the rhythm of work and increasing risks.
55 minutes
Director and Dramaturgy Lab "Focal Point“
Theater Strahl Berlin
Marktstr. 1110317 Berlin
15.00 EUR - 20.00 EUR
Day Ticket 22.02.2025 => 60,00 € plus advance booking fee
Day Ticket 23.02.2025 => 50,00 € plus advance booking fee
Two Day Ticket 22.-23.02.2025 => 100,00 € plus advance booking fee
Ticket for single events
=> VVK: 20,00 € (regualr price); 15,00 € (reduced price *) plus advance booking fee
=> Evening box office: 25,00 € (regular); 17,00 € (reduced)
Urban Theater