Over Here, Over There, and Over the Wall
The stories of two walls
Over Here, Over There, and Over the Wall
The stories of two walls
Come and listen to a reading of the picture books “Der erste Schritt” by Pija Lindenbaum as well as ”Die Mauer. Eine Parabel” by Giancarlo Macri und Carolina Zanotti illustrated by Sacco & Valleriano.
The King of the Blues wants only blue people living in his kingdom, so he builds a wall, but he very quickly realises how silly it is. The primroses and marigolds are bordered by a line and the shepherdess, the big one, makes sure that nobody steps over it. But what actually happens if you don’t play by the rules?
Exciting stories for children aged 3 to 6, but older visitors will find them entertaining too.
- Tickets cost 3 EUR, reduced 1,50 EUR.
- The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüterhof next to the Sculpture Hall.
- Duration: 30 min
- children (3-6 years)
- Language: German, German Sign Language
- Accessible for wheelchairs
- Ground Floor, Hall 3
- Part of: Picture-Book Cinema
30 minutes
Humboldt Forum
Hall 3
10178 Berlin
1.50 EUR - 3.00 EUR
Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
From 3 till 6 years