Bubbles (2-10)
A watery-musical performance for ages 2 and up
Bubbles (2-10)
A watery-musical performance for ages 2 and up
You can feel water, of course: It’s wet! Sometimes it’s pleasantly warm, like in the bathtub, sometimes ice-cold like the sea in June. But can you hear it, too?
Actress Minouche Petrusch and musicians Florian Bergmann and Alba Gentil-Tedeschi invite young audiences into a world of fanciful resonators made of glass, everyday objects and surprising instruments. The main character in this piece is water in all its aggregate states. Played by the performers with wit and precision, water resounds, burbles, hisses and clatters.
Bubbles started as a FRATZ Lab with a research grant from FRATZ International 2019.
Minouche Petrusch, Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, and Florian Bergmann present Bubbles, a new work in the genre of »music theater for the very young«. Petrusch and Bergmann already collaborated in 2016 for a co-production between Theater o.N. and Deutsche Oper Berlin (Little Piece of Heaven). In 2017, together with Benedikt Bindewald, they developed the piece Sound Square, which was presented in 2019 at the Augenblick mal! Festival of Theater for Young Audiences.
30 minutes
Bubbles is a production by Theater o.N., supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa des Landes Berlin.
Theater o.N.
Kollwitzstraße 5310405 Berlin
3.00 EUR - 12.00 EUR
Children*: € 6,50
Adults: € 12,- | Reduced admission**: € 8,-
Berlin Pass holders and their children pay € 3,- each
Donation ticket (includes admission ticket):
15,- € or 20,- €
* For children up to 10th-grade level
** Discounted tickets are available to schoolchildren, interns, higher education students, retirees, recipients of unemployment benefits types I and II, German federal program volunteers (BuFDis) and persons conducting a voluntary social year (FSJ), as well as persons earning low income (by self-assessment). Members of LAFT Berlin e.V. and other artists also receive discounted tickets. Severely disabled persons presenting identification receive reduced admission, along with free admission for their accompanying caregivers.
From 2 years