Auf Weltreise mit den Millibillies
Ensembleproduktion mit Liedtexten von Volker Ludwig, George Kranz, Rainer Hachfeld und Musik von Birger Heymann, George Kranz, Robert Neumann und den "Fabelhaften Millibillies"
Auf Weltreise mit den Millibillies
Ensembleproduktion mit Liedtexten von Volker Ludwig, George Kranz, Rainer Hachfeld und Musik von Birger Heymann, George Kranz, Robert Neumann und den "Fabelhaften Millibillies"
Fortsetzung der GRIPS-Parade mit den besten Hits für Groß und Klein!
Emilia is back! With her blooming imagination, she goes on a big trip around the world and is not alone this time either. She has her music band, “Die Fabelhaften Millibillies”, in her luggage. Her classmate Tobi jumps on board and becomes part of the Millibillies gang. Together they dream of a journey through music, the world and everywhere they want to play. Her ingenuity knows no bounds. Whether playing mud on Iceland, whistling in the streets of New York, surfing in the South Pacific or high up in the vastness of space. With great curiosity and many old (and also new!) GRIPS songs she pulls her friends along and takes everyone on her journey.
After “Die fabelhaften Millibillies” it quickly became clear to pursue the desire for a sequel around the young Emilia. “Auf Weltreise mit den Millibillies” is for everyone who likes to sing along and would like to hear more GRIPS songs like “Einer ist keiner” or “Wir wollen Freunde sein”. There are also the two brand new GRIPS songs, “Verreisen” and "Kinder brauchen Platz”, for which George Kranz wrote the lyrics and composed the music together with Robert Neumann. All “career changers” who are curious and love good music are of course also invited to the world tour. GRIPS songs are known to be there for everyone!
Duration: 1h 10 min.
Premiere: 13.11.2016
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GRIPS Theater
GRIPS Podewil
Klosterstraße 68
1. Stock
10179 Berlin
From 5 years