ALLES NUR RACHE - SPITPLAY, Schöne-Radunski & Cooper, Martin, Kammel
ALLES NUR RACHE - SPITPLAY, Schöne-Radunski & Cooper, Martin, Kammel
Films by Martina Schöne-Radunski & Lana Cooper, Carolin Martin, Viviana Kammel, supported by the Alien Goth Pop band SPITPLAY
Moderator: Anna Bitter
With horse dung and candy carnations from Carolin Martin
On the occasion of International Women*s Day
Short film by Viviana Kammel (2025, 6’)
In 2025, Medusa is set to fetch back her head. She kills Perseus and calls her sisters to the dance of the Gorgons.
The relation of love and its representation. Short film by Carolin Martin (2025, 15‘).
Phoebe goes in search of a sailor whom she met at a carnival. Following a mysterious map and a magic mirror, she is led to the sea to find out that the mirror is a weapon. When she finally encounters the sailor at the bottom of a rock, she has to make a decision.
“Trying to please everyone means not pleasing anyone.” This film isn’t trying to please anyone. The filmmakers boldly venture into dangerous political territory to narrate their stories from a rather raw and untamed perspective, making for uncompromising underground cinema. German Independence Award (Warning: one scene contains stroboscopic effects)
SPITPLAY are a (new) Berlin based post-wave noise duo – Godzilla meets The
Eurythmics. A relentlessly straight beating 90s drum machine, a distorting mantra-monotonous bass, synthwave and noise bits combine to produce Alien Goth Pop.
*All films with English subtitles.
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Linienstraße 227
10178 Berlin
Tickets at the box office