Aber nicht küssen ist auch kontraproduktiv. Szenen aus dem Leben der Rosa Luxemburg (Teil 4)
Aber nicht küssen ist auch kontraproduktiv. Szenen aus dem Leben der Rosa Luxemburg (Teil 4)
Lecture Performance der Berliner Compagnie in vier Teilen.
Rosa Luxemburg in the November Revolution (9 November 1918 - 15 January 1919)
The world war is over, the Kaiser has been driven out, parliamentary democracy has been won - now the revolution must continue. After Rosa is released from prison in Breslau and arrives in Berlin on 10 November, she throws herself into the revolutionary process with verve; she campaigns for the power of the workers' and soldiers' councils and, as editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne, criticises the new SPD and USPD government with extreme severity. More clairvoyant than almost anyone else, she saw how the revolution was being betrayed. For her, however, the masses remain the decisive authority for the realisation of socialism, for a revolution of society without terror. The fourth part of our project shows something like how the great revolutionary's lifelong fundamental ideas proved themselves in practice. The murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, however, was the prelude to the thousands of murders in the following months of the Noske era and to the millions of murders in the following decades of the Hitler era. He was the starting signal for all the others. It is still unacknowledged, still unpunished and still unrepentant. That is why it still cries out to the German sky.
Performance: Ana Hauck und H.G. Fries
Director: Elke Schuster, Camilla Cecile Körner
Recherche and compliation of texts: Helma Fries
Design: Elke Schuster
Werkraum der Berliner Compagnie
Muskauer Straße 20 A
10997 Berlin
12.00 EUR - 16.00 EUR
Payment at the box office. Card payment is not possible.
Please pre-order by mail to: Werkraum@BerlinerCompagnie.de
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