Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny
by Ben Wippel
Shake off those gloomy feelings. Drive them away. Fix your mind and pleasures upon what is before you. All is bright if you will think it so. - General Robert E. Lee
Follow the Stranger to a land of freedom! Manifest Destiny is a satirical musical that explores how the culture and mythologies of the United States can lead to radicalization, extreme ideologies and violence. Through pop songs, visual storytelling, and interactivity, the audience becomes participants on a journey through a disorienting spectacle.
ATTENTION: Manifest Destiny is an interactive experience. Audiences are expected to get out of their seat and move to different spaces. Comfortable footwear is recommended. This show contains provocative material involving guns, nudity, offensive language and violent symbolism. Flashing lights, darkness, loud sounds, and small spaces. Not intended for children.
1 Stunde
“THIS is why I see theater!” -The Malta Festival Poznań, 2022
“People need to see this!” -The Malta Festival Poznań, 2022
“A true performer. We can’t look away.” -The Malta Festival Poznań, 2022
“I was holding my breath…Totally unexpected!” -The Third Mask Festival, Columbia College Chicago 2020
Artjom Theater
Boxhagener Straße 183. Hinterhof
10245 Berlin
10,00 EUR - 15,00 EUR
plus booking fee